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Reiki, Kelso, Scottish Borders


  Time to heal

Reiki Therapy: £38 (60 mins)

Reiki is one of the most ancient forms of 'Touch Healing' methods known to mankind. It is a Japanese non-invasive, hands-on, very simple yet powerful technique used for stress reduction and relaxation that also encourages the body to heal itself.


Reiki promotes healing of all kinds, having a positive influence on spiritual growth. Reiki always acts wherever the receiver needs it most. Energy used up in everyday life is replaced so that when you feel tired, exhausted or drained, the resulting imbalance which may adversely affect you physically, emotionally and mentally, can be put right.


Reiki can:

  • Assist in releasing blocked and suppressed feelings

  • Promote natural self-healing

  • Balance the energies in the body

  • Heal holistically

  • Strengthen the immune system

  • Relieve pain

  • Clear toxins

  • Relax and reduce stress​


Clients remain fully clothed for the Reiki treatment.



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