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Reflexology Therapy

  Time to unwind  


Reflexology: £38 (45 mins)

Reflexology is a method for activating the healing powers of the body. There are energy zones that run throughout the body and reflex areas in the feet that correspond to all the major body parts, organs and glands.


Stress can be the main factor in the breaking down of the body's defence system, making us more susceptible to disease and illness. Stress and tension tighten up the cardiovascular system restricting blood flow, where circulation can become sluggish. Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep, tranquil relaxation, allowing the miles of cardiovascular vessels to conduct the flow more naturally and easily.


A reflexology treatment includes massage and pressure point technique to deliver a specialised routine which has a therapeutic effect on the energy pathways/reflex zones in the body.


  • Reflexology can help with:

  • Improved circulation

  • Shoulder pain, neck pain & lower back pain

  • Infertility

  • Cleansing the body of toxins and impurities

  • Insomnia

  • High blood pressure

  • PMS, hormone imbalance

  • Digestive disorders including IBS

  • Migraine headache and chronic sinusitis

  • Arthritic pain

  • Stress reduction


Foot Reflexology : £38 (45 mins)




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